Coffee was born in Africa and its varied terrain offers some of the world’s most distinctive flavored coffees. This blend is a superb example of the rustic floral and fruit flavor that African coffees are known for, 100% Arabica blend.
African coffee beans hand picked for this deliciously African Coffee Blend. The individual coffees are capable of standing alone as an incredible single origin coffee. However, when hand-roasted to perfection and hand-blended the two coffees reach a new level of smooth complexity.
Sammy's African Coffee Blend brews a taste of intrigue from the place on earth where human history began.
البن فريش جدا طعمه متوازن جدا والنوتس واضحه اوي مناسب اكتر انه يتشرب لوحده ك اسبريسو او فلتر كوفي هتحس بالطعم اكتر من انه ينضاف عليه لبن لان النكهه هتبقى ضعيفه شوية وده طبيعي لانه كله ارابيكا.. من الأنواع اللي بنصح بيها
Abdalla Elsamahy
Andrew Gamil
One of the best blends I have ever had
Thanks Sammy's coffee for this great blend. After tasting most of your coffee (Blends and Single Origins) , I'm now satisfied with the Africano Blend to be my coffee. Highly Recommended.
By the way, I use it for American Coffee and it's awesome.